What's This About?

Nonbinary/Genderqueer Life :)

My name is Charlie, I live in Germany and I am queer as f*ck. I identify as nonbinary/genderqueer.

As an afab (assigned female at birth) person with transmasculine tendencies I often have the feeling that media, social media and all together the world lack nonbinary or genderqueer representation.

So I want to be a voice. I want to share my feelings and experiences to help educate and change the world.

You're with me?

Let's go! 

Do you want to be part of it?

To my nonbinary friends and friends to be:

If you want your story to be shared, write me.

I will share it - with or without your name and picture, that's up to you - on my Blog.

I'd love to shine some light on the diversity of nonbinarity!



My Blog, My Texts:

Follow Me On My Path :)


Happy nonbinary awareness day!
Happy nonbinary awareness day!


Nonbinarity - A Lifestyle?
Nonbinarity - A Lifestyle?


Respect is the key
Respect is the key


My Body, My Shame?
My Body, My Shame?


Hear Our Voices - Representation Matters!
Hear Our Voices - Representation Matters!

That's Me.

Contact me via thenonbinaryvoice@gmx.de or write a comment below!

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